Dr Branislav Hredzak
Assoc. Professor

My research is primarily aimed at discovering practical and effective control methods and power converter topologies for integrating energy storage systems (ESS) into the power grid. The global shift to renewable energy is an essential step in combating climate change and ensuring a sustainable future. Among the many challenges associated with this transition, the integration of ESS with the power grid is critical. ESS, which include batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells, allow for the efficient storage and distribution of electricity generated by renewable sources such as solar and wind. Integrating an increasing number of ESS into the grid raises a number of important research and technical challenges.
My research has made substantial research contributions to:
Innovative power converter topologies and control strategies for interfacing energy storage systems with the grid. This includes: (i) hybrid energy storage systems that combine various energy storage technologies, such as batteries and fuel cells, resulting in a more efficient, reliable, and longer-lasting energy storage system; (ii) novel reconfigurable converters which are flexible electronic circuits designed to adapt and operate with a variety of energy sources, eliminating the need for multiple separate electronic circuits.
Developing novel control approaches for coordinating and scheduling distributed energy storage systems in a microgrid, taking into account different types and capacities of energy systems, individual customer behaviour, connections and disconnections of energy storage systems, and potential power network changes. This approach enables ever more complex future electricity grids to handle more renewable generation and operate more efficiently.
Proposing novel algorithms for the real-time clustering of energy storage systems into virtual energy storage plants, thereby improving the utilisation of available energy storage capacity and decreasing grid power losses.